
80386 Programmer's Reference Manual -- Opcode LSL

LSL -- Load Segment Limit

OpcodeInstructionClocks DescriptionExample
0F 03 /rlslw r/m16,r16pm=20/21 Load: r16 := segment limit, selector r/m16 (byte granular)lslw %cx,%bx
lslw (%ebx,1),%bx
lslw (%ebx,2),%bx
lslw (%ebx,%ebp,1),%bx
0F 03 /rlsll r/m32,r32pm=20/21 Load: r32 := segment limit, selector r/m32 (byte granular)lsll %ecx,%ebx
lsll (%ebx,2),%ebx
lsll (%ebx,4),%ebx
lsll (%ebx,%ebp,1),%ebx
0F 03 /rlslw r/m16,r16pm=25/26 Load: r16 := segment limit, selector r/m16 (page granular)lslw %cx,%bx
lslw (%ebx,1),%bx
lslw (%ebx,2),%bx
lslw (%ebx,%ebp,1),%bx
0F 03 /rlsll r/m32,r32pm=25/26 Load: r32 := segment limit, selector r/m32 (page granular)lsll %ecx,%ebx
lsll (%ebx,2),%ebx
lsll (%ebx,4),%ebx
lsll (%ebx,%ebp,1),%ebx


The LSL instruction loads a register with an unscrambled segment limit, and sets ZF to 1, provided that the source selector is visible at the CPL weakened by RPL, and that the descriptor is a type accepted by LSL. Otherwise, ZF is cleared to 0, and the destination register is unchanged. The segment limit is loaded as a byte granular value. If the descriptor has a page granular segment limit, LSL will translate it to a byte limit before loading it in the destination register (shift left 12 the 20-bit "raw" limit from descriptor, then OR with 00000FFFH).

The 32-bit forms of this instruction store the 32-bit byte granular limit in the 16-bit destination register.

Code and data segment descriptors are valid for LSL.

The valid special segment and gate descriptor types for LSL are given in the following table:

Type   Name                      Valid/Invalid

  0    Invalid                   Invalid
  1    Available 80286 TSS       Valid
  2    LDT                       Valid
  3    Busy 80286 TSS            Valid
  4    80286 call gate           Invalid
  5    80286/80386 task gate     Invalid
  6    80286 trap gate           Invalid
  7    80286 interrupt gate      Invalid
  8    Invalid                   Valid
  9    Available 80386 TSS       Valid
  A    Invalid                   Invalid
  B    Busy 80386 TSS            Valid
  C    80386 call gate           Invalid
  D    Invalid                   Invalid
  E    80386 trap gate           Invalid
  F    80386 interrupt gate      Invalid

Flags Affected

ZF as described above

Protected Mode Exceptions

#GP(0) for an illegal memory operand effective address in the CS, DS, ES, FS, or GS segments; #SS(0) for an illegal address in the SS segment; #PF(fault-code) for a page fault

Real Address Mode Exceptions

Interrupt 6; LSL is not recognized in Real Address Mode

Virtual 8086 Mode Exceptions

Same exceptions as in Real Address Mode

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